2 Year Funding – Parents and Carers

If you’re entitled to 15 hour free childcare for your 2 year old, this survey is for you. We're always looking at ways we could possibly improve the way childcare is provided and the way you, the parents and carers make use of the funding.
Please tell us your enquiry reference number. This can be found under your name on your 2 year funding letter.
What is your postcode?
How and where did you hear about the 15 hour childcare for 2 year olds?
Do you think the qualifying criteria are easy to understand?
There are 41 Childminders, 42 Childcare settings and 32 Schools within North East Lincolnshire that offer funded places. *as of Feb 2019*
What made you choose your current setting/childminder?
Was this setting your 1st choice?
Was your 2 year old put onto a waiting list?                          
Does your childminder or childcare provider give you the opportunity to use the stretched offer? (Meaning you can spread your funded hours i.e. less hours per week but for more weeks per year, so you can use the funding through the holidays)
Did you know that we have 27 childcare providers/childminders that will offer or consider the stretched offer?
How important do you consider the following to be with regards to childcare?
Not at all Important
Not Important
Neither/ Not sure
Very Important
A wider range of play equipment and activities
Age range being for younger children rather than with 8 years or above
Having a quiet area
Friends or siblings also attend
Pick up's and drop off's
Healthy eating or meets dietary requirement’s
Flexibility – late nights/early mornings/weekends
Changes with staffing
Promotes equality and diversity
The stretched offer
Not at all Important
Not Important
Neither/ Not sure
Very Important
Offers specialist provision i.e. additional needs
Having an outdoor play area
Distance from home/work 
Some people believe that "free" does not mean quality. In fact all of our childminders and childcare providers that offer the Flexible Free Entitlement are all Ofsted registered and were graded as good or above at their last inspection.
Does the 15 hours free childcare cover all of your childcare needs? (If you are working, studying or training)  
Do you use more than one childcare provider for your childcare? 
Have you decided against childcare for your 2 year old?
Did you know that some of our Family Hubs offer toddler groups and adult training? Such as Health and Parenting drop in, sleep tight programme, Positive Parenting Programme, English for speakers of other language (course), Ready for Nursery – messy play, and much more. Please telephone 01472 326292 option 1 for further information or simply visit your nearest Family Hub
Did you know that when you qualify for the 2 year funding it is yours to keep until the term after your child’s third Birthday, even if your circumstances change?  And if you have previously applied for the funding and were found not eligible, you can try again if your circumstances change and you feel you may be eligible.
Have you noticed any change with your child’s speech, sleep pattern, social skills since attending childcare? 
Is there anything else you would like to tell us? 